Monster prom shopkeeper ending
Monster prom shopkeeper ending

monster prom shopkeeper ending

Expy: They're clearly meant to be a reference to Urban Fantasy TV dramas that became popularized from the 1990s to the 2000s, such as Supernatural or Teen Wolf but especially the Halliwell Sisters from Charmed and the Scoobies from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.And then there's Evil Faith, who turns up in Second Term For a twist of irony, in the Halloween event, the trio changed into the default costumes of Polly, Vera, and Miranda. Evil Twin: Polly accuses them of being this to her, Vera and Miranda.Second Term reveals that Damian has a crush on Hope and that Polly and Faith regularly engage in casual sex. It could be a ruse on their parts, however.There's even an event where Damian and Polly admit they didn't know the individual girls even have names. In a rare case of this trope, there are three of them rather than two.

monster prom shopkeeper ending

With the exception of events relating to a specific member or their appearance in the second Shopkeeper route-specific event, they always appear as a single entity. The Dividual: They aren't even referred to by their respective names most of the time, they are just referred to as a unit and The Coven.This seems to be why everyone else thinks they're so annoying: they're actually goal-oriented and constantly trying to save the world while the rest of the students at the school are constantly doing stupid teenage stunts and refusing to take anything seriously. Dark Is Not Evil: In fact, they seem to be the least evil members of the school, down to refusing to do drugs, despite being witches clad in black from top to bottom.On Polly's "WILKINSON" route, they're the ones who tell you the supplies for the act, on the condition that you never tell anyone. Covert Pervert: One event has you breaking into their house and discovering a stash of sex toys, which you immediately swear to forget.Joy's eyes and nails are green, Hope's eyes, nails and choker are red, and Faith's glasses, nails, and phone are blue. Color-Coded for Your Convenience: It's subtle, but each member of the Coven has a specific color outside of their typical black.Butt-Monkey: Most of the time, they end up being the joke for you and your romantic options.Big, Thin, Short Trio: They are composed of three girls, a tall, slim one, a very short one and a large one.Hope especially so, as the First Hope's death managed to shatter the universe because of the lack of hope. Anthropomorphic Personification: Hope's secret route gives some exposition that the members of the Coven are intended to be this to their respective namesakes.The displeasure people have about the Coven comes generally because they find them annoying and find saving the world to be a pain, hating to be involved in their adventures. But they're never referred to as humans, and aren't treated with the Fantastic Racism others have for humans. Ambiguously Human: By far the most human characters in the school.


  • Hope's full name is given as Hope Halko in the Student Yearbook that's available as physical merchandise.
  • Second Term (and Word of God via Tumblr ) also gives Faith's full name as Faith Fernández.
  • note The initial trailer for Camp introduced her as the equally-alliterative Joy Johnson-Junpei, but this was changed at some point during development for unknown reasons.
  • Her Monster Camp Profile reveals that their spokeswoman's full name is Joy Johnson-Johjima.
  • monster prom shopkeeper ending

    The group's main voice, Joy, is a main love interest in Monster Camp. A trio of witches who are despised in the school, but while offscreen, fight big bads (and the SUN ITSELF ) and save the world.

    Monster prom shopkeeper ending